Indoor Soccer Facility Profitability Playbook

The Ultimate Playbook to Indoor Soccer Facility Profitability

« Indoor Soccer Facility | Written by Kira Razavian | | (0) Comments

Running an indoor soccer facility isn’t just about providing a space for players to enjoy their favorite sport or maintaining a source of income. It’s also about ensuring profitability to sustain operations and drive growth. In this guide, we’ll explore the vital factors shaping indoor soccer facility profitability and offer practical strategies for revenue enhancement.

But before diving into the specifics, let’s first understand why profitability is crucial for indoor soccer facilities. Profitability is the lifeblood of any business, empowering business owners to reinvest in upgrades, gear, and promotional activities. Furthermore, profitable facilities can lure in top talent, provide enticing wages, and deliver standout experiences for both players and spectators.

Now let’s get into the details of what to focus on as a profitability-minded facility manager for an indoor soccer facility business.

Factors Influencing Profitability

In the quest for profitability, there are many factors that influence the bottom line for an indoor soccer facility. From efficient facility management to strategic revenue diversification, understanding these key factors is essential for optimizing revenue generation and ensuring long-term success in the competitive indoor sports industry.

Facility Management

Effective sports facility management is at the core of profitability. From scheduling and maintenance to customer service, every aspect contributes to the overall experience. A well-managed facility not only attracts more customers but also encourages repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

But what does it mean to manage an indoor soccer facility well? 

Effective facility management for an indoor soccer facility entails meticulous attention to detail in various aspects of operations. This includes maintaining a clean and well-organized environment, ensuring that all equipment is in optimal condition, and providing exceptional customer service to players and visitors. A well-managed facility implements efficient scheduling systems to maximize space utilization, offers convenient booking options for customers, and promptly addresses any maintenance issues to minimize disruptions. 

Additionally, effective communication with staff and customers fosters a positive atmosphere and encourages repeat business. Overall, successful facility management is about creating a welcoming and professional environment that prioritizes customer satisfaction and a high level of operational efficiency.

Efficient Space Utilization

Maximizing the use of available space is essential for boosting profitability. Implementing efficient scheduling systems ensures that every hour of operation is utilized effectively, minimizing downtime and maximizing revenue potential. 

Additionally, optimizing space layout and configuration can accommodate multiple activities simultaneously, catering to a diverse range of customers. This flexibility not only increases revenue streams but also enhances the overall customer experience, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Maintenance and Cleanliness

A clean and well-maintained facility not only enhances the customer experience but also extends the lifespan of equipment and facilities. Regular maintenance prevents costly repairs and fosters a safe and hygienic environment, which is essential for customer satisfaction and retention. Make sure it’s part of your business plan. 

Membership and Booking Systems

Implementing a streamlined membership and booking system simplifies the process for customers and improves operational efficiency. Integrated software solutions, such as EZFacility, streamline administrative tasks and enhance the overall customer experience.

Learn more about EZFacility! Schedule a demo today. 

Events and Tournaments

Hosting events and tournaments can be a lucrative revenue stream for indoor soccer facilities. Whether it’s corporate tournaments, youth leagues, or community events, these activities attract participants and spectators, driving revenue through registration fees, ticket sales, and concession purchases.

Before hosting, make sure you’re prepared to track teams, leagues, and players. An organized indoor soccer facility is a profitable facility!

Discover how EZLeagues can help your business manage leagues and teams.

Merchandising and Concessions

Diversifying revenue streams through merchandising and concessions can significantly boost profitability. Offering branded merchandise, refreshments, and snacks not only adds value to the customer experience but also generates additional revenue with high profit margins.

When venturing into merchandising and concessions, it’s crucial to consider factors such as sourcing reliable suppliers, managing inventory effectively, and complying with health and safety regulations. Additionally, pricing strategies should be carefully calibrated to maximize profitability while remaining competitive in the market.

Diversifying Revenue Streams

Relying solely on field rentals may limit revenue potential. Diversifying revenue streams by offering additional services such as coaching clinics, fitness classes, or birthday party packages can help increase revenue and attract a broader customer base.

When considering additional revenue streams for an indoor soccer facility, it’s essential to assess the needs and interests of your target audience. Conduct market research to identify potential opportunities and gauge demand for various services. Consider factors such as location, demographics, and local competition to determine which offerings are likely to resonate with your customer base. Evaluate the resources and capabilities of your facility to ensure that you can deliver high-quality services effectively. 

Look for opportunities to increase revenue by leveraging existing assets, such as unused space or specialized equipment, to minimize investment costs. Finally, prioritize revenue streams that align with your facility’s brand and mission, ensuring that they complement your core offerings and enhance the overall customer experience. By taking a strategic approach to diversification, you can identify lucrative opportunities that drive revenue growth while meeting the needs of your customers.


Optimizing profitability is essential for the long-term success of indoor soccer facilities. By focusing on effective facility management, efficient space utilization, maintenance and cleanliness, membership and booking systems, events and tournaments, merchandising and concessions, and diversifying revenue streams, facility owners can create a sustainable business model that thrives in the competitive sports industry. 

Implementing these strategies, coupled with the right technology and resources, can unlock new opportunities for growth and profitability. With careful planning and execution, indoor soccer facilities can achieve their financial goals while providing a memorable experience for players and visitors alike. Remember, continuous monitoring and adaptation are crucial. Staying agile and responsive to market trends ensures ongoing relevance and success in the dynamic sports landscape.

How to Market Your Indoor Soccer Facility

How to Market Your Indoor Soccer Facility

« Blog Indoor Soccer Facility | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

According to Deloitte’s 2022 Sports Industry Outlook, the role and duty of sports in society will continue to receive increased attention, with a focus on sustainability and mental health. The study findings also predict the sports industry will continue to see an influx of money from new sources, shifting power dynamics in college sports, more widespread use of emerging technologies, and a greater focus on broader societal issues in 2022.

So even if your indoor soccer facility business is currently booming, it’s good business practice to always be planning for the future and to pay close attention to emerging industry trends to ensure long term success and profitability.

Read on to learn three examples of sports marketing efforts that can help build your brand, attract potential clients, boost sales, and increase your online presence and digital ranking.

Social Media Marketing

Utilizing social media platforms is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to reach your target market, drive traffic to your website, increase conversions, boost sales, and establish your brand identity and credibility.

Audiences are more dependent on digital content than they’ve ever been in the past. In fact, one recent global study found that engagement on social media has increased 61% over regular usage rates since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

But it’s no longer enough for brands to just create content—to succeed in today’s digital landscape, sports marketers need to understand which social media platforms are best suited for their brand, how to create engaging content tailored to their target market, and how to deliver that content to ensure it’s actually seen by the right people.

While there’s no magic formula to dictate which social media platforms you should use or how often you should post, consistency is key. For this reason, it’s a good idea to start by focusing on one or two social media platforms at a time instead of trying to master them all. 

It’s also important to remember that social media platforms are always evolving to meet the needs of their users, so you’ll want to review your social media marketing plan throughout the year to make sure it’s updated to reflect the current industry landscape and emerging trends.

Two of the hottest and most rapidly growing social media platforms you should consider using to promote your indoor soccer facility business are TikTok and Instagram.


If you haven’t heard by now—TikTok is a pretty big deal. So much so, that TikTok has overtaken Google as the world’s most visited online destination. TikTok is a free, short-form video and social media app, and is available for download on both Apple and Android devices. The major difference between TikTok and other social media platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, is that TikTok is based on small, short video clips.

The impact that TikTok has on consumers’ attitudes and purchase decisions is irrefutable. In fact, the social media giant’s influence is so widely acknowledged that the phrase “TikTok made me buy it” has over 4.1 billion views of the hashtag on the app.

When utilized as a part of your larger social media marketing strategy, TikTok is a highly effective way to promote your indoor soccer facility business by creating fun video content, building a niche community, and tapping into a younger demographic. 

(Read more: Why Fitness Businesses Should Be Leveraging TikTok)


Instagram now has over 1 billion users worldwide, and 80% of Instagram users say they use the platform for help when deciding to buy a product or service. Instagram’s strong impact on consumers’ buying journey has created tremendous new growth opportunities in the digital sports marketing space.

Now more than ever, social media users want to build bonds with brands, and they’re more likely to base their buying decisions on a company’s purpose and mission. Instagram is a great way to promote a higher level of transparency, and features like Live Videos and Instagram Stories provide you with unique ways to offer behind-the-scenes looks and interesting insights into your indoor soccer facility business.

With the right approach, you can effectively utilize your Instagram page to increase your number of followers, build meaningful connections with users, and gain unfiltered consumer feedback that you can use to grow your indoor soccer facility business.

(Read more: 5 Ways to Maximize Reach on Instagram)

Text Message Marketing

Text message marketing—also referred to as SMS marketing—is when businesses send text messages to promote their products and services to consumers, provide important updates, and to maintain ongoing communication with their target market.

While text message marketing campaigns can sometimes be more expensive than email marketing campaigns—they’re typically less expensive than many paid ad options, especially on popular social media platforms. And because SMS messaging campaigns offer such a high ROI, they’re considered cost-effective. 

Text message marketing and email marketing work similarly—but data shows that SMS marketing campaigns consistently outperform its modern-day counterpart, despite its simple and straightforward nature. Text messaging has six times the engagement as email rate of email, and 96% of marketers using text messages said it helped them drive revenue.

If that’s not enough to convince you—more than 69% of consumers would be extremely likely or likely to connect with a brand to receive SMS customer service, and 58% of consumers believe text messages are the most effective way for brands to communicate.

(Read more: What is SMS Marketing and What Are the Benefits?)

Sports Club Management Software

Sports club management software can help manage all aspects of your facility—from coach and lesson scheduling to player invoicing and payments. It simplifies and streamlines the management, marketing, and scheduling of leagues, trainers, memberships, tournaments, and more—all of which helps increase revenue by saving time, reducing error, and creating a more seamless customer experience.

EZFacility’s comprehensive suite of marketing tools allows you to customize and send advanced email marketing campaigns and automated text messages to develop new customer relationships or nurture leads throughout the buying process. With automated email and text message functionality–you can also ensure clients receive the right information at the most opportune time.

Want to learn more? Schedule a free online demonstration and personalized product tour today.

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Soccer Facility Trends to Watch in 2022

Soccer Facility Trends to Watch in 2022

« Blog Indoor Soccer Facility | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Construction of sports and recreation facilities was largely stalled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, creating the immediate need for business owners to quickly identify new and diversified revenues streams as they navigated forced business closures, stay-at-home orders, social distancing requirements, and the global shift to digitization.

The pandemic was catastrophic for many businesses and industries, but especially those that relied almost entirely on in-person sales, operations and participation—for example, sports and recreation facilities, soccer leagues and sports complexes.

The Accelerated Rise of the Digital Economy

With the entire world looking to technology to bridge the gaps left in the wake of the pandemic, we—as a global society—have become entrenched in a time of unparalleled investment and reliance upon emerging technologies.

The global shift to digitization, rapid and ongoing technological advancements and improvements, and paradigm shifts in the way people engage with sports—and each other—have ushered in an exciting new era for soccer leagues, sports complexes, and other sports and recreation-related business.

Three Soccer Facility Trends to Watch in 2022

Below, we’ve outlined three of 2022’s top soccer trends that are predicted to impact everything from sports complex design to soccer player and attendee experiences.  

1.   Multifunctional Facilities & Versatile Spaces

While many sports complexes were traditionally designed to serve a distinct purpose—for example, the investor needed an indoor soccer facility or an outdoor football stadium—we’re now seeing a massive shift to versatility in space usage and advancements in technology to create dynamic, multifunctional spaces that allow for seamless transitions between activities. 

Sport-specific complexes are great in the right context, but they’re rarely able to be used appropriately for recreation centers. And because you’ll want to host as many soccer events, sports games, training camps, and other sports-related events/activities as possible, you’ll need a venue that’s versatile and able to adapt to changing needs to ensure long-term growth and viability by diversifying your revenue streams.

For example, at Tottenham Stadium—home of the English Premiere League’s Tottenham Hotspur—the stadium’s field can be adjusted based on the sport that’s being played. The stadium typically hosts soccer events which require a natural grass pitch—but the venue also hosts two NFL games per season, in which artificial turf is used.

2.   Interactive Kiosks

Placing kiosks—small booths or structures—throughout common spaces of your sports facility is a simple concept that’s been around for a long time. And they’ve been around a long time because they’ve proven their worth.

Traditionally, kiosks were mostly used as information booths and required staff to operate them. But now, thanks to advancements in technology, digital kiosks offer more dynamic, interactive and user-friendly content—as well as advertising and sponsorship opportunities—and they don’t require staff to operate.

For example, AT&T Stadium—home of the Dallas Cowboys—offers interactive kiosks to help fans connect with their favorite football players. Guests can take photos of themselves at the venue’s selfie stations, and then simply press a few buttons to add their favorite players into the picture with them.

Photo kiosks usually prompt fans to input their email address so they can have their photo emailed to them, right then. Then fans are able to upload and share the photo across their social media channels—which, in turn, enables data capture while also boosting your venue’s digital presence, social media engagement, and online ranking.

3.   Robotic Concessions

Concession stands are a must-have for soccer facilities because there will always be a demand for food and beverage options between the soccer players and other athletes, attendees, and staff. It just makes good business sense.

And, fortunately for venue owners—they’re also typically a huge money maker. But let’s not forget that concession stands do come at a cost to sports complex owners—one of biggest costs being the staff required to operate them. As technology continues to improve and advance rapidly, it’s only a matter of time before robotic concessions start popping up in sports facilities of all sizes, all over the world. 

For example, a robotic arm named Flippy was introduced at Dodger Stadium during the 2018 World Series to help manage increased demand for concessions. In 2019, Flippy became a mainstay in Los Angeles as the Chicago-based concession company is working on their technology to increase efficiency and reduce costs inside stadiums.

Flippy has since been spotted working hard at CaliBurger in downtown Pasadena, and White Castle recently announced plans to gradually roll out 100 new Flippy 2s over the next few years.


One big takeaway from the pandemic is that businesses need to prioritize working smarter—and the way to do that is by utilizing technology. We’re not yet clear of COVID, and businesses all over the United States are still facing labor and supply shortages.

As a soccer facility or sports complex owner, the best thing you can do to prepare the future during periods of uncertainty is to start saving money now by utilizing technology to streamline operations, reduce costly errors and inefficiencies, and limit risk.

To learn how EZFacility’s sports facility management software simplifies the scheduling and management of fields, courts, leagues, tournaments, teams, coaches, memberships, and more—schedule a free online demonstration and personalized product tour today.

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Tips to Increase Revenue at Your Indoor Soccer Facility

Tips to Increase Revenue at Your Indoor Soccer Facility

« Blog Indoor Soccer Facility | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Ensuring your indoor soccer facility can consistently generate a sufficient source of revenue is critical to long-term success and profitability. In today’s business landscape, that means getting creative and adapting to changing needs.

If you’re wondering how to achieve this, here are four ways sports facilities can diversify revenue streams to increase profitability.

Multifunctional Sports Facilities

Many sports facilities were traditionally designed to serve a distinct purpose. In today’s age, we’re now seeing a massive shift to versatility in space usage. This shift includes creating dynamic, multifunctional spaces that allow for seamless transitions between activities.

One great example of this is Tottenham Stadium. Home of the English Premiere League’s Tottenham Hotspur, this stadium’s field can be adjusted based on the sport that’s being played. It typically hosts soccer events which require a natural grass pitch, but the venue also hosts two NFL games per season, in which artificial turf is used.

To host as many soccer events, training camps, group lessons, and other sports-related activities as possible, you’ll need a versatile sports facility. It should be able to adapt to changing needs, positioning your indoor soccer facility for long-term growth.


Sponsorships can bring in big money for your indoor soccer facility—but it’s important to be selective about accepting sponsorships. Take into consideration that you will have to display sponsors’ marketing collateral throughout your facility. It’s important to be selective and only accept support from brands or organizations that reflect your company’s values.


Advertising is one of the most effective ways to increase revenue for your indoor soccer facility. It’s a no-brainer to take advantage of idle space by selling advertising opportunities in the most popular areas of your facility where they’ll have the greatest visibility and ROI.

Examples include:

  •  Entrance gate
  • Concession stands
  • Restrooms
  • Scoreboards
  • Perimeter Fences
  • Seating

Sports Facilities Management Software

Sports facilities management software continues to grow in popularity given its ability to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce the risk of human error, save time and money, and enhance the customer experience. On top of that, the low upfront cost structure of a cloud-based software solution makes it a financially attractive option for soccer clubs and sports facilities of all sizes.

Benefits of choosing EZFacility

EZFacility makes it possible to manage your soccer club or indoor soccer facility, from any device with our fully responsive and easy-to-navigate user interface. Save time with simple, clean workflows and processes designed to anticipate your business needs. We’re securely hosted on Amazon Web Services and boast a 99.99% uptime.

Additional benefits include:

  • Sports Facility Scheduling: Simplify your sports facilities management using our color-coded calendar. View resource availability, create reservations, and assign instructors, officials, and coaches.
  • Check-in & Memberships: Scan in members, create detailed client profiles, and automatically collect dues. Verify player identities and registration status with branded player cards.
  • Point of Sale: Speed up purchases, gain control over your non-recurring revenue, and allow members to make payments throughout your club by simply scanning their ID card.
  • Online Registration: Allow players to register online for leagues, tournaments, camps and clinics. Provide online access to forms, waivers, and payment history.
  • Coach & Lesson Scheduling: Manage all aspects of league and tournament scheduling and provide real-time team schedules, registration, stats, and standings on your website.
  • Billing & Payments: Consolidate all revenue streams into one system to track the sale of packages, memberships, and point of sale items.

Want to learn more? Schedule a free online demonstration and personalized product tour today!

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