Guide to At-Home Pilates Workouts

Looking for a New Home Workout? Try Pilates

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Pilates, named for its creator Joseph Pilates, is a method of low-impact exercise that focuses on improving flexibility, core strength, control and endurance throughout the entire body. It also emphasizes the importance of posture and alignment, which is what draws many to this form of exercise.

Athletes and dancers often practice Pilates to help balance other training, while others use it as a method of rehab to recover from injury. And while it was first introduced more than a century ago, Pilates has gained a renewed interest over the past year.

The Pilates resurgence

So, what’s behind the recent surge in popularity?

Well, for starters, the COVID-19 global pandemic redefined the fitness industry and created the need for people all over the world to find new ways to workout that could be done from home and required minimal equipment.

In addition to that, “it seems social media has been the driving force behind the recent resurgence of the low-impact workout” as we have seen more and more celebrities—like the Kardashians, Hailey Bieber, Lara Worthington and Phoebe Tonkin—switching out their high-intensity workout sessions in favor of Pilates workouts, and posting about it all across social media. (body+soul)

It’s no surprise that with celebrity endorsements like that, we’re seeing a major growth in Pilates culture.

Rethinking the ways we workout

Now more than ever, we’re seeing people interested in learning ways to improve full body health and wellness, rather than just focusing on weight loss or muscle gain. And while many used to gauge the value of a workout by its level of intensity, we’re seeing more people start to gravitate toward forms of exercise that focus on improving the mind-body connection while still offering a full body workout.

Practicing Pilates at-home

One of the most attractive attributes of Pilates is its accessibility—it can be practiced at home with few items, or at Pilates studios full of fancy equipment. But don’t let the volume of Pilates equipment available for purchase—like Pilates mats, Pilates rings, balls and reformers—intimidate you. There are several types of Pilates classes and methods out there, so you may want to do a bit of trial and error to figure out the best fit for you before investing too much in equipment.

If you belong to a gym or studio but want to practice Pilates from home, check their website to see if they offer virtual Pilates classes. Or, if you want to get started on your own, the good news is, all you need is a Pilates mat and a clear space to exercise.

Before you start your Pilates journey, it’s a good idea to spend a bit of time learning about the five different types of Pilates workouts to figure out which is the best fit for you.

Types of Pilates workouts

Below is a brief overview of the five main types of Pilates exercises and the differences between them:

  1. Classical Pilates: Based on the original form first introduced in the 1920s, classical Pilates is one of the most complex methods of Pilates and combines both apparatus and mat exercises. It exercises muscles throughout your full body to help strengthen them and your core. Because of its difficulty and the equipment required, this type of Pilates routine is best taught by trained Pilates instructors.
  2. Mat Pilates: Mat Pilates is considered the beginners level Pilates exercise, and is therefore also the most widely practiced. As the name suggests—all you need for this type of Pilates exercise is a Pilates mat and floor space. It’s great for getting started and for home workouts.
  3. Reformer Pilates: Named for the type of equipment it uses, Reformer Pilates is the second level of Mat Pilates and utilizes a flat, sliding platform with an adjustable resistance bar. While some of the exercises are similar to Mat Pilates, the mechanics differ as they’re meant to be done while sliding back and forth. This is considered an advanced form of Pilates and should be practiced under the supervision of trained Pilates instructors.
  4. Contemporary Pilates: Contemporary Pilates is a combination of Classical Pilates, physiotherapy and some modern variations. What differentiates this from the other forms is that there is no specified set of exercises; instead, exercises are customized and the moves are modified according to individual needs.
  5. Clinical Pilates: Similar to Contemporary Pilates, Clinical Pilates is tailored to the needs of the person. This form utilizes different props and exercise equipment, and is generally intended to help stabilize muscles and relieve lower back pain. It also requires a physiotherapy assessment to determine functional diagnoses and chart directional preferences.

Getting started

If you’ve decided you want to give Pilates a try, get your at-home space set up and ready to go. It’s recommended you find an area with plenty of room to move around, and ideally in a place with good lighting. You’ll also need to decide if you prefer to try a live or pre-recorded class. Live classes taught over Zoom are particularly helpful for beginners as they provide the Pilates instructors the ability to see you and help you adjust your form.

For more health and fitness-related insights, click here to read our other blogs.

emerging fitness technology

At-Home Wellness is Now Easier Than Ever

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

When most people think of getting or staying healthy, they probably picture a line of treadmills at the gym or bulky weight equipment. However, it’s easier than ever to stay fit and track results from your home. You don’t even need a ton of extra space to develop a full-body wellness routine and monitor your success. Best of all, as technology develops it’s more accessible than ever. Here are a few fitness technology essentials to build your wellness routine.

Tech to Monitor Progress and Track Results

It can be difficult to understand just how much progress you’ve made if you never measured where you started. Here are a few items to replace the tracking you would get with a personal trainer or the gym:

Smart Scale

A smart scale does more than just monitor weight. They can also determine body composition, including muscle and body fat percentages as well as bone mass and water percentage. For those who are looking to gain muscle and not just lose fat, or are worried about a weight plateau, a smart scale is a vital upgrade from the traditional bathroom scale.

Additionally, smart scales use bluetooth to sync results to your phone so you can track progress over time. They’re even smart enough to track multiple people, so one scale can help the whole family stay on track. And many smart scales can sync directly to your other fitness devices for a holistic view of your health and fitness.

Fitness Trackers

Combine the smart scale with a wearable fitness tracker to see the whole picture of your fitness journey. Some of the most popular wearables are the Apple Watch and Fitbit Charge, which each include a heart rate monitor and automatically track workouts. Newer versions of each are also waterproof. However, the two high tech watches have key differences to keep in mind when deciding between them.

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is first and foremost a smartphone companion, which works primarily with Apple devices. It comes with the Nike+ app, Apple Activity app, and can work with a number of additional fitness apps on the app store. The newest iteration also includes an ECG application in addition to the standard heart rate monitor, heart rate sensor, and step counters.

However, its best features are not fitness related, like Apple Pay, Siri, and a number of touch screen apps available through your iPhone. The Apple Watch is a great pick if you’re looking for an everyday wearable that also happens to track fitness – and if you don’t mind spending a bit more.

Fitbit Charge

Meanwhile, the Fitbit Charge puts smart fitness first, with its incredible 7-day battery life, built-in sleep tracker, and 20+ goal-based exercise modes. The newest version includes GPS to automatically track workouts, and the Active Zone Minutes feature monitors your heart rate and alerts you when you’ve reached your target heart rate zone during a workout.

The Fitbit Charge isn’t a fully-fledged smart watch, however. While you’ll get call and text alerts to your synced device, you can’t access any apps that do not come with the device. The display is smaller and monochrome, as it puts function above form; the screen shape fits the wrist beautifully while the LED screen is easy to read even in direct outdoor light.

Whichever fitness tech you choose, you’ll be glad to have your activity tracked in real time and remove the extra work logging your next workout.

Build Out Your Home Gym

Now that you’re ready to track your workouts and results, let’s dive into how you can turn your living room into a full-body home gym. Most virtual classes don’t require any equipment, but you may want to invest in some resistance bands, dumbbells, and a yoga mat that you can stash away when not in use.

Fitness Classes

There are more online fitness classes than ever and for a fraction of the cost of in-person fitness classes. When choosing your digital training sessions, try to choose ones from a reputable source and not just what pops into your YouTube feed. You want to know that who is building the routines knows how to avoid injury and properly demonstrate activities

Here are a few popular choices that you can stream or cast to devices like Roku and smart TVs:

  • The OrangeTheory YouTube channel (Free): When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down studios, OrangeTheory rose to the challenge and began publishing daily full-body workouts for their members. Today, there are dozens of daily workouts plus extra challenges. However, there is a chance that they could remove these videos once restrictions are lifted and gyms return to full capacity.
  • The Peloton App ($12.99/month): You don’t have to own the pricey home bicycle to access Peloton’s comprehensive app. You’ll get access to thousands of live and on-demand classes, including outdoor running, strength training, bootcamp, yoga, and meditation. Non-peloton stationary bike owners often use a tablet to ride with the classes; however, without a Peloton you won’t be able to participate in challenges or the leaderboard.
  • Daily Burn ($14.95-$19.95/month): Daily Burn offers a wide range of fitness videos, from beginner classes and dance workouts up to HIIT and advanced strength training. Its live Daily 365 videos are like joining in on a group workout class, which pump up the motivation and keep your daily workouts fresh.

Meet with a Personal Trainer

Just because you’re not going to a gym doesn’t mean you can’t work with a personal trainer to achieve your goals. With personal training, you’ll have an expert by your side to monitor your metrics and help develop a targeted workout routine and even an eating plan. You’ll be able to make the most out of all the fitness technology above while focusing on the results you want to see.

For personal trainers looking for the best tech to improve their business operations including scheduling, billing, and client management including fitness assessments, try the EZFacility app for Personal Trainers. You’ll save time and be able to spend more energy focusing on your clients.

2021 guide to off-ice hockey training

Off-Ice Hockey Training Guide for 2021

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

Whether your rink isn’t up to full capacity yet or if you just want a change of scenery, there are plenty of ways off the ice to prepare for your next hockey game. Try out one of these dryland training routines next time you want a break from your hockey facility.

Don’t forget to warm up and stretch before and cooldown and stretch after you work out to avoid injury and get the most out of your efforts.

Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric training is great for honing the muscles that exert a lot of force in a short period of time. It helps hockey players improve strength and agility. This allows them to be able to change direction quickly, get quick bursts of speed, and build endurance.

Try integrating the following plyometric exercises into your training program:

  • Jump squats and squat jumps
  • Box jumps
  • Lateral skater jumps
  • Clap push ups
  • Lunges and reverse lunges
  • Tuck jumps
  • Squat thrusts

Balance and Coordination Exercises

The great thing about hockey is that so many skills are transferable on and off the ice. Try these exercises with your hockey stick and a ball to increase hand-eye coordination:

Hand Swap

Grab your hockey stick with one palm up and one palm down, keeping the stick level in front of you. Then, change your hand positions as quickly as possible.


Simply find a wall and throw a ball at it and catch it as it returns. For more of a challenge, try standing on a wobble board to also work your core while improving coordination. If you have a partner to work with, try having one throw the ball while the other person rebounds using their hockey stick.

Walking Squats/Stickhandle

While stickhandling a ball, slowly walk forward and bend into a squat. As you squat, the ball will travel further from your body. Control the ball as you rise out of the squat, walk backward, and squat again.

Stickhandle Wobble Board

Stand on a wobble board as you stickhandle. As you grow more proficient, alternate standing on only one foot as you do this.

Core Conditioning Exercises

Every hockey player knows that the sport requires your whole body to be at its best to succeed. Not only do physically fit players perform better, but incorporating conditioning exercises also helps prevent injuries. Try incorporating the following outdoor activities into your hockey training:

  • Cycling
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Soccer

Off-Ice Stickhandling

Of course, as a hockey player you’ll want to work on your stickwork, whether on or off the ice.

Narrow and Wide

Start by working a ball in a narrow pattern, then widening before narrowing again. Try making up your own cadences and combinations to focus on quick changes and maintaining control.


Start by stickhandling on the backhand side, then moving to the front, and finally moving to the forehand side. You can then reverse back through the stages.

One Leg

Follow the pattern above while standing on one leg, then alternating to the other.

One Hand

Try stickhandling the ball with one hand to gain strength for when a situation happens on the ice where you only have one hand on the stick. Alternate hands to gain control using either hand.

Join Your Team

While there are numerous exercises you can do alone, nothing beats learning just how your hockey team works together. Practice passing from different angles and directions to learn how to react when a pucl comes at you in a game. Build muscle memory in your forehand and backhand passes by working together.

Ice Rink Management

Do you manage an ice rink and need to be able to schedule ice times, training, and classes? Manage everything from your skate rentals to your snack bar and everything in between with the simple to use EZFacility software for ice rinks.

5 Fitness-Oriented Business Ideas in 2021

The #1 Fitness Trend this Year: Online Training

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

The COVID-19 zeitgeist has permanently changed the fitness industry as we once knew it. Gone are the days that gyms and fitness studios could rely solely on traditional brick-and-mortar business. To stay competitive and relevant in today’s digital climate, it’s imperative that gyms, health clubs and fitness studios adapt to meet the increasing demand for online health and fitness services. In fact, ACSM’s Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2021 reports the no.1 trend for this year is “online training”—up from the no.26 spot just last year. 

While it’s been a challenging time for business owners in the fitness industry, with every challenge also comes opportunity. Here are five business ideas you should consider implementing this year: 

1. Amp up your online products and services

Although it may seem obvious at this point, there’s a good reason to keep this top-of-mind. When non-essential business owners were forced to suspend operations last year amid nationwide shutdowns, many scrambled to figure out how to shift their products and services to an online model as quickly as possible, without having sufficient time to figure out how to deliver products and services in the best way possible. Even though health and fitness businesses are allowed to operate from their physical locations once again, the demand for on-demand and online services isn’t going away any time soon. That being said, customers now expect high quality digital offerings, so it’s a good time to make sure that’s what you’re delivering to your client base.

You may also want to consider expanding your online products and services. For example, if you’re a personal trainer, you might consider creating a fitness blog where you provide personal training tips, tricks and resources. In addition to giving added value to your existing client base, launching a fitness blog can also help you position yourself as an industry expert, establish credibility and attract new clients. 

2. Consider a permanent hybrid model

Over the past year, many people have grown accustomed to working—and working out—from home. And while some customers flocked to health and fitness businesses as soon as they reopened, others have opted to continue their wellness routines from home for the time being. The good news is, 75% of consumers say they will eventually return to pre-pandemic routines and the actual gym, but many indicated they will also retain a virtual component. If you have the resources to do so, it’s wise to consider a permanent hybrid model so you can continue to fulfill the needs of a larger customer base.

3. Keep health and safety at the forefront 

If you’re responsible for managing a physical fitness space, it’s critical to keep health and safety at the forefront of your operations. By now, you should have a clearly defined and well-communicated strategy in place to ensure you’re adhering to your state’s requirements and keeping everyone as safe as possible. If you have a mask-wearing policy, make sure that information is posted and visible from both outside and inside your facility. If you haven’t already done so, you may also want to consider highlighting your company’s health and safety practices and posting that information on signs around your gym, as well as to your website and social media pages to help everyone feel more at ease. 

4. Host virtual fitness competitions & challenges

A little friendly competition has always been a good way to keep members motivated and working toward their fitness goals, especially during certain times of the year—for example, around the New Year and summer time. While the logistics need to be handled a little differently now, you should still keep hosting fitness challenges about once a quarter. What the challenges entail and how they are structured will vary by the nature of your business, but it’s always a smart idea to incorporate refer-a-friend incentives to encourage members to invite their friends to join your facility. 

5. Focus on total body health and fitness

This year, the concepts of fitness and wellness will continue to merge as society is redefining what it means to be healthy from a holistic standpoint. New considerations focus on balancing diet and nutrition, mental health, and physical activity—as opposed to focusing solely on weight loss or muscle gain. More people are also starting to view health and wellness as a lifestyle choice that requires ongoing effort, so there has been—and will continue to be—an increased interest in health coaching. If you’re qualified to do so, consider offering online health coaching services to help educate your client base on the importance of total body health and fitness, and what they can do to achieve that.


We expect the fitness industry will continue to evolve throughout this year, generating an even greater demand for online products and services. If you decide any of the business ideas we covered in this blog are a viable option for you, start working on your business plan to define how you will translate the idea into action. 

For more health and fitness-related insights, click here to read our other blog posts.


Own a Fitness Brand? Here are the Benefits to Going Digital

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

After a year of COVID, more and more gyms have had to close their doors. However, with the shift to working from home and to socializing online, digital adoption of online services is higher than ever before. That means that gyms and studios have a unique opportunity to reach more people than ever before with a digital fitness brand.

Benefits of Going Digital

As a gym owner or operator, you’re used to having the most important goal being how many people are coming in your doors week after week. And when you run digital platforms, usage rates will still be an important metric. However, when you offer a digital fitness brand, you will have access to so many more data points to track business success, monitor progress, and identify opportunities to either further engage active members or recapture the interest of people who aren’t using the platform. 

When your gym offers any kind of fitness technology – whether it is an online fitness class or the ability to track health metrics – you get to learn a lot more about your members than if they simply walked in the door of your class. For instance, some video platforms allow you to see in real time how many people are watching a video, who is watching, and how far they watch or what areas they fast-forward through. 

Thanks to the proliferation of fitness wearables like the Apple Watch and FitBit, people have more access to their health data than ever before. Whether you’re working with fitness platforms that allow you to directly sync that data or ask people to self-report, you’ll be able to learn a lot about who your most active clients are and who could be in danger of cancelling. Even without seeing their specific data, just by identifying who is and isn’t tracking data, logging workouts, and watching classes, you’ll be able to know how people are doing.

For those who are most active year over year, you can send messaging around referring friends, upgrading their membership, or just congratulating them on being a power user. And for members that are less engaged, you can send alerts about new home workouts, motivation to get back to classes, or offer one-on-one coaching.

What People Want from Fitness Brands

When you’re moving from being exclusively a gym into becoming an at-home fitness company, people are looking for more than just a workout video. After all, social media websites like YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest are already full of online workouts for free. Think about what people will miss about going to the gym and imagine how you can bring that to people.

For instance, a lot of people love the sense of camaraderie with their classmates and the community built around going to the gym. While your members are working out in their living rooms, how can you replicate this? Perhaps you build a private Facebook group for your members to connect and share successes and struggles. Maybe you schedule live group fitness classes over Zoom instead of offering just videos on demand.

The other obvious benefit of going to a gym is access to a wide range of fitness equipment. While some people may have a home gym and there are more people than ever investing in a stationary bike, the fact remains that home fitness equipment is an expensive investment that takes a lot of space.

It’s important that fitness brands offer home workouts that are accessible to every member. Consider what items you can suggest from around the house that people use for strength training, like a gallon of water or a backpack with books. Offer cardio activities that won’t disturb downstairs neighbors of apartment-dwellers. Whatever your home exercise plan is, remember to adapt it to people’s real lives.

Finding Success

At the end of the day, the fitness industry is a competitive space. In many ways, managing a digital brand will be much more difficult than running an in-person only studio. Here are a few ways you can establish and grow your brand:

  • Develop a social media presence on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook to help members stay connected and reach new potential members
  • Explore how email marketing can reach prospects, connect with members, and re-engage less active members
  • Think about your branding – is it catchy and memorable? Think about if it’s time to overhaul your colors, logo, or even your name before you expand
  • Update your website to make it easy for members to schedule consultations, sign up for special classes, and pay their membership fees
  • Diversify revenue by offering branded workout gear, finding referral partners, and developing personalized classes

Even as people stop social distancing and start returning to the studio, you’ll find that a lot of people have come to prefer the flexibility that at-home workouts provide. By investing in digital marketing and operations, you’ll be able to maximize both in-studio and online memberships.

You’ll want to ensure that you have time to focus on all the channels your brand appears on. One way you can do this is by simplifying your administrative tasks. All-in-one platforms make it easy to manage memberships, relationships, and finances all while getting access to a customized app and website for your fitness brand. 

The Best Live Streaming Tools for Gym Owners

Live Streaming is a Must for Gym Owners

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

As the industry continues to shift to digital, fitness trainers are faced with a number of new challenges regarding how to best deliver their services online. Producing content for pre-recorded workout videos and live stream classes is only half of the battle—businesses must also figure out how to deliver their digital offerings in a way that converts it into revenue. 

On-demand vs. Live Stream Classes: What’s the Difference?

On-demand workout videos and fitness classes are pre-recorded and can be accessed through a fitness studio app, web browser or mobile device. All you have to do is select the class you want and click and hit play. On-demand workout videos are great for people who need a specific start and end time, as well as those who need the flexibility to start and stop workouts if the need arises. 

Pre-recorded fitness classes can be released at certain times to function like attending a class, or they can all be stored in a database and accessible at any time. Some fitness trainers prefer teaching on-demand classes because it gives them the ability to re-record or edit the workout routine as many times as needed until they feel confident in the finished product. 

Live streaming workouts, as the name suggests, are live and take place in real-time. With live stream classes, attendees have the benefit of a “here and now” fitness trainer. Many people prefer doing live stream classes because the real-time engagement helps them feel more connected to their fitness trainers, as well as each other. In some cases, live stream classes also provide the fitness trainer the ability to see attendees and to provide feedback and positive reinforcement, which can help boost motivation, participation and accountability. 

Now that we’ve covered the key differences between on-demand (pre-recorded) and live stream classes, let’s talk about three of the most popular platforms for live streaming workouts: 

Facebook Live

When lockdowns hit last year, Facebook Live viewership in the U.S. jumped 50%, with many viewers tuning in specifically for live streaming workouts they could do from their living rooms. Facebook Live is the platform of choice for many fitness trainers because it’s free, easy to use, and it publishes workouts directly to followers’ news feeds. One downside, however, is that Facebook Live is open to anyone and, therefore, it can be difficult to control access. One solution businesses have found is to create private groups for members to help safeguard their digital content and limit viewership to only their members.  


According to Pew Research, 74% of adults in the U.S. use YouTube. As the largest video platform in the world, YouTube is an attractive platform for live streaming workouts because it’s also free and easy to use. But despite its widespread popularity, many fitness trainers forgo using YouTube for live streaming classes because of the platform’s copyright policies which inhibit instructors from using whatever music they like during workout routines. Also, similar to Facebook Live, it is difficult to restrict viewership to members-only using YouTube. 


Zoom, the virtual meetings app, has quickly become an industry favorite because of its strong video quality, ease of use, and two-way visibility. Zoom can also be easily integrated with gym management software to automate the process of sending log-in information and links to members once they’ve signed up for a class, providing businesses control over who can access their digital content. However, while a basic Zoom membership is free, gyms that want to utilize this platform for live streaming classes longer than 40 minutes will need to invest in a Pro or Business account before doing so.

Which video platform is the right choice for your business?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution in the streaming world. Each video platform comes with its own benefits and challenges, and the best fit for you will depend on your business’ needs and resources. So, before you launch your online offerings, we recommend you develop a digital strategy that supports the long-term needs of your business, as well as your members.

For more health and fitness-related insights, click here to read our other blog posts.

Why Personal Training Reviews Are Important

Why Customer Reviews Are Important to a Personal Trainer Business

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

As a personal trainer, your customers are the most important part of your business. Aside from providing predictable income, their weight loss or strength training journeys are also a reflection of your abilities. And their stories can help inspire future clients, generate referrals, and build your brand online. One area that personal trainers should be focused on online is in generating powerful positive reviews for their business. Here’s why and how.

Why Online Reviews Matter

Consumers are more informed than ever before, especially for larger investments and for personal services. About 9 out of 10 people won’t make a purchase until they’ve read online reviews. Customers—especially millennials—treat online reviews similarly to how they perceive recommendations from friends and family. Overall, your online reputationis set by reviews, and they are one of the most persuasive and important ways to market your business. 

While Facebook and Yelp are still important for small businesses, Google reviews now account for nearly 60% of all online small business reviews. And 89% of people viewing review sites make a purchase within a week; once someone is comparing reviews of a business, they are ready to make their final purchase decision. Just because your clients know you’re a great trainer, future customers won’t know this until they tell people with online reviews. 

How to Ask Customers for Online Reviews

It can feel awkward to ask for online reviews directly if you haven’t before. But, there’s a good chance that your happy clients would love to help you grow your business. Consider sending an email to every client at a certain point (for instance, after 90 days) where you can link directly to the review sites to make it as easy as possible for them to leave a review. 

Here’s a sample email you can send:

Hi [name]! 

I’ve enjoyed working with you over the past few months, and I’m so excited to see that you’re showing results from our personal training sessions.

One of the ways that I am able to find great clients like yourself is through Google reviews. Would you mind taking a couple of minutes to leave a review about your experience with my training programs? Here’s the link: Leave a review

If you wouldn’t highly recommend my services, please let me know what I can do differently to meet your needs.


Aside from sending emails at a certain time frame, you could also consider sending emails or texts at benchmarks, which also provide the client with content to add to their own review. For example:

Hey [name]! Did you know that since we started having 3 sessions a week, your body fat percentage has dropped by 5%? In addition to the weight loss, I hope you’re feeling stronger! If you’re happy with the work we’re doing together, it would mean so much if you could leave me a review on Google so other clients can learn about my business: Link

Finally, you can also prep clients for the request at your next in-person meeting. Tell them that as part of your business goals for this year, you want to reach X Google business reviews. And be specific about what you’d like for them to mention in order to attract new clients. 

For instance, “I like working with clients at any level of fitness, so if you could be honest about where you started and you’ve been able to lose weight and work to achieve your goals, I’d appreciate it.” Or, “For me, the matchup of personalities is really important. So if you like my positive attitude and how we work together, that would be awesome to mention.”

Earning Online Reviews

Of course, in order to get those 5-star reviews, you need to be providing a 5-star experience. For your clients that you’ve had for a long time, how are you keeping their experience fresh? Are you offering an overall health and fitnesstraining plan or just focused on body fat numbers?

Be sure to continually update each clients’ workout plan and reevaluate the fitness goals you’re working towards. If a client can leave a review saying that “[Trainer] helped me achieve my goals!” you’ll start hearing from lots of other people who want to see results. 

One way that you can ensure that you’ll get a great review is by providing a better client experience. If your clients can book time with you through an app, manage their own billing online, and access their fitness assessments, they’ll be more engaged and more likely to continue working with you than if they had to call you for everything. 

That’s why we recommend investing in personal training software, which gives you everything you need to manage your business so you can spend your time focusing on giving your clients a great experience.

5 Reasons to Practice Yoga Before Bed

Looking for Better Quality Sleep? Try Yoga.

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Yoga is an ancient practice that has long been heralded for its many health benefits, from improving flexibility to reducing stress. But did you know that doing a short yoga routine before bed can dramatically improve your quality of sleep, as well as your quality of life?

In an age of rampant stress and chronic sleep deprivation, it’s important to know what you can do to fall asleep faster and to improve your quality of sleep.

Below are five reasons you should consider practicing yoga before bed:

1. Calm the mind & improve mental clarity

Oftentimes people have trouble getting a good night’s sleep because they’re unable to clear their minds of mental clutter and stressors. Practicing a yoga routine before bed that focuses on breath technique will help put your body and mind in a calmer state, known as the relaxation response.

The relaxation response is the opposite of the fight-or-flight response, and studies have shown it can be elicited through yoga practice, meditation and deep breathing techniques. When this happens, your body enters a lower state of arousal that helps to clear your mind of worries so you can fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

2. Reduce stress, depression and anxiety

For those who have high levels of stress, depression or anxiety, it can be nearly impossible to fall asleep at night. Stress is often a large factor in both depression and anxiety, and people with depression tend to have elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Practicing yoga before bed can help lower cortisol levels and release tension by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body and mind feel more relaxed and contributes to a better night’s sleep.

In fact, a study by Massachusetts General Hospital found that the physiological state one can achieve through the three yoga elements of posture, breathing and meditation produced an immediate change in energy metabolism, immune function and insulin secretion. Insulin secretion can trigger the production of serotonin, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter that is sometimes artificially stimulated by anti-depressants.

3. Relax muscles & ease joint pain

After a long day of work, many people experience nighttime aches, joint pain and muscle tension. This is especially common among the elderly, people who work on their feet all day, as well as those who work desk jobs. Practicing yoga and stretching before bed will help release any muscle tension you built up throughout the day, which is essential to achieving a good night’s sleep. It will also help to relax your shoulders, neck, legs and more.

4. Renew your body

Two main ways yoga can help renew your boy is by helping to release toxins, and by increasing the circulation of oxygen. Toxins are often stored in organs and tissue, and yoga can help to release them from the body through various twists, folds, stretches, and sweating. Yoga also helps to release mental and emotional toxicity through meditation and deep breathing.

Pranayama, sometimes also referred to as breathwork,is a type of breath technique that improves the circulation of oxygen in your body to help reduce stress, improve mental clarity and improve physical health. Another added benefit to focusing on breath technique before bed is that it can help with other sleep-related problems like snoring and sleep apnea, both of which can be caused by incorrect breathing.

5. Improve quality of life

Sleep is essential to overall health, and better sleep leads to an improved quality of life. The amount of time and the quality of sleep we get directly impacts how we perform every day. Sleep is meant to occupy a good portion of our lives because that’s when our bodies can gather the energy required to complete daily functions and to process complex thoughts.

Without adequate sleep, both the body and mind suffer, rendering it impossible to perform to the best of our abilities. One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your quality of sleep, and ultimately your quality of life, is to practice a yoga routine every night before bed.

For more health and fitness-related resources, click here to visit our main blog page.

How Personal Trainers Can Provide Additional Value in 2021

Personal Training During the Pandemic? Read This

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Throughout 2020, we talked a lot about how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the global fitness industry and how exercise professionals needed to constantly adapt to changing circumstances, and to find new ways to deliver fitness solutions.

While many had hoped the New Year would usher in a return to normalcy, a new strain of the coronavirus, said to be more rapidly transmissible, has perpetuated the cycle of uncertainty about what the future of the health and fitness industry will look like.

Though no one can say for sure what the remainder of the year will look like, below we’ve outlined several ways personal trainers can provide additional value to consumers in 2021:

1. Shift focus to overall health & well-being

Before COVID, many exercise professionals pitched services aimed at helping consumers lose weight and gain muscle tone. This made sense, especially around the New Year when many peoples’ resolutions typically centered around weight loss. Post-pandemic, however, many consumers seem to be more interested in understanding what types of physical activity most effectively boost the immune system to promote full-body health and well-being.

2. Keep cleanliness & hygiene at the forefront

The uncertainty around how the coronavirus can be transmitted created widespread panic and fear that led to months-long business closures. Even after gyms and health clubs have been allowed to reopen—permitting they passed safety inspections and were able to prove their sanitization procedures were safe and effective—there still remains a heightened sense of concern among many consumers. Now more than ever, it’s important for exercise professionals to effectively communicate the cleanliness and hygiene standards they have in place to help ease patrons’ minds.

3. Provide consideration for at-risk populations

Last year we saw many businesses begin to offer special consideration to the at-risk and elderly populations by providing blocks of time when they could shop. This year, we expect to see more exercise professionals and health clubs follow suit by providing high-risk groups with more opportunities for physical activity in the form of individualized training programs, small group training programs, and at-home training programs.

4. Expand your reach

Social media continues to be the leading way consumers search for health and fitness-related information. Exercise professionals who are social media savvy and build a following on popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok will be more successful at attracting new business. If you’re not familiar or well-versed on how to navigate the most popular social platforms, now is the time to start learning.

5. Increase online offerings

COVID was the impetus behind the fitness industry’s shift to digital. But even now that gyms and health clubs have reopened, the desire for on-demand workout routines, remote fitness coaching and online personal training programs continues to grow. In addition to being more convenient for many people, virtual options provide a worry-free, safe and effective means for physical activity. 

While the coronavirus changed the fitness industry as we knew it, the good news is that the general public is now more aware of—and interested in—how physical activity contributes to overall health and well-being. The way fitness is delivered and consumed will continue to evolve throughout 2021, but exercise professionals who are able to adapt and embrace changing circumstances have the potential to recognize tremendous growth opportunities.

To learn how our personal training software can help manage all aspects of your business in one easy-to-use system, click here to sign up for a free trial and online demonstration.

How to Craft the Perfect Yoga Studio Marketing Plan

Own a Yoga Studio? Use This Marketing Plan

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

As you look ahead to the new year, it’s the perfect time to make a plan for success. Setting goals and finding ways to measure the business impact of your marketing will help you to find out what is and isn’t working for your studio. You’ll be able to optimize your efforts to get the most out of your time and money investments.

In this post, we’ll share ideas on what to include in your yoga marketing strategy to attract new students and keep your current students engaged.

Choose Your Marketing Strategies

You’ll find that there are dozens of avenues you can take to market your yoga studio. So where do you start? It’s important to mix both digital marketing and offline marketing to reach the widest possible audience. You’ll find that it’s easier to track ROI and reach your target audience with digital, but offline marketing provides the opportunity to build deeper bonds within your local community which can lead to lasting relationships.

Offline Marketing Strategies

If you haven’t already, consider joining your local chamber of commerce and connecting with other small business owners. When you go to networking events and present your business, offer special chamber-only discounts to try out your classes. Collaborate with like-minded local businesses (health food stores, nutritionists, massage therapists) to create wellness packages. Brainstorm ways to reach the employees of a business, such as by offering a short seminar of yoga poses to do throughout the workday.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing allows you to launch a marketing campaign more quickly with much more nuanced tracking—whether you’re looking at email opens and clicks or social media follows. The most common digital marketing strategies for small businesses include:

  • Website and blog posts
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing

Managing all these channels and spending time to create content for each will be a huge time investment, which is why it’s so important to make a plan around how you’ll handle each one. The first step to success is to find a system to manage all your accounts in one place, making it easier to handle posting and updates.

For instance, with EZFacility for yoga studios, your website and marketing tools are in the same system that manages your studio, so it’s easy to jump from one task to the next. Plus, the simple email builder includes pre-designed templates, so you spend less time focused on the details and more time reaping the rewards. And, EZFacility websites are fully responsive and search engine optimized so you’ll be found online.

Once you have your social media, email, and website accounts in one place, you can create your marketing plan. Here’s how to get started for each channel:

  • Website and Blog: Create a content calendar outlining which topics you want to cover on your blog and when you want them to go out. Consider promotions you may run around holidays and special events and work backwards to plan when you need each article to be written and edited in order to be published before you need the content for email campaigns and social media posts.
  • Social Media Marketing: Similar to your blog calendar, you’ll want to plan exactly when you’re posting different kinds of content on social media to keep your feed fresh and interesting. Talk to your yoga teachers to see if they would be open to creating a post a week for the business. And think of a unique hashtag for your students and members to use to share content that you can re-post from your brand account. Finally, make your content work harder for you. Don’t be afraid to post the same content to both Instagram and Facebook—they’ll reach different audiences depending on where your customers spend more time.
  • Email Marketing: Whenever someone comes to a yoga class at your studio, be sure to collect their contact information so you can reach out and stay top-of-mind. Share special promotions, referral deals, and class schedules and updates to keep new and old members alike abreast of what’s happening at the studio. To keep your updates interesting, consider also developing a monthly newsletter including member spotlights, trainer interviews, and links to your blog.

Focus on What’s Working

When you’re running a small business, it’s vital to make the most out of the time and money you invest into the business. While it’s important to diversify your marketing efforts to reach people both online and offline, you also should spend the most time on the areas that are providing you with the most value.

Maybe sharing yoga poses on Instagram is driving engagement among existing students but isn’t driving new people to practice yoga at the studio as much as your website. You’ll want to keep up your Instagram presence, but maybe pull back on the time you spend interacting with other accounts and put that time towards building your SEO.

With EZFacility, not only will you be able to manage the day-to-day operations of your studio including membership, payment processing, and teacher scheduling, but you’ll also be able to see promotion engagement, lead conversion rates, and referral reports. Find exactly what is working for your individual business and hone your efforts where they count. With these tools, you’ll be able to build the perfect yoga studio marketing plan for your business.

5 Ways to Easily Improve Yoga Studio Profitability from EZFacility

5 Ways to Easily Improve Yoga Studio Profitability

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

You probably started teaching yoga because of a passion for yoga. But, any small business owner knows that profitability is the key to be able to continue doing what you enjoy. In this article, we’ll help you to find ways to become a successful yoga entrepreneur so you can get back to focusing on your students and your practice.

More than Teaching Yoga

Running a yoga studio is more than scheduling classes. A yoga studio owner also acts as a hiring manager, finance department, and customer service manager. You also need to focus on student satisfaction to keep loyal students coming back while also reaching new clients.

At the end of the day, students come to classes that are conveniently located, fit within their schedule, and that have teachers they enjoy. While you may not be able to control the location – unless you own multiple yoga studios – you can cater to other needs.

Hiring Yoga Teachers

When hiring your team, choose yoga instructors from different backgrounds and practice areas. Then, vary the class schedules so that your clients can try different yoga teachers on different days. When a yoga teacher is a good fit for a student, you have a great chance of building loyalty and keeping that student coming back week after week. By hiring different types of instructors, you’re more likely to find a great fit for more students across your schedule.

Developing Yoga Instructors

As you know, in yoga there’s always room for improvement – and not just for your students. Be sure to offer your instructors the time and flexibility to attend teacher training and development classes. Not only will you help improve your instructors’ capabilities, but you will also become a more prestigious organization. With a focus on quality, you can even eventually increase class prices without facing a decrease in membership.

Diversifying Revenue Streams

Many people who love teaching yoga may cringe at the business speak around revenue streams. But, offering products and services aside from only yoga classes is a great way to help your bottom line.

Carry necessities that new students may need like yoga mats, yoga blocks, towels, and water bottles. Offer branded yoga apparel so your clients can share your business name wherever they go. You can use a service like Bonfire that prints shirts when they get ordered so that you don’t have to invest in carrying inventory. And don’t forget to publicize gift certificates to make it easy for your students to gift classes to their friends.

Consider launching an online pay-to-access library of class videos to let members practice even when they aren’t in the studio. Or, offer private workshops and one-on-one training to let students take practicing yoga to the next level.

Finally, partner with other small business owners to offer packages. Sell bundles with local nutritionists, life coaches, masseuses, and other health service providers. Creating a referral network is a great way to share like-minded customers and grow your business.

Focus on Building a Successful Yoga Business

To take the stress out of managing your yoga studio, running a successful business focused on profitability is key. That means you need to keep the back office running smoothly, including class scheduling, collecting membership dues, and managing payroll and staff.

With our yoga studio software, managing the business side of your studio is a breeze. You’ll even get a branded mobile app to let students book classes, text the studio, and update payment information. You’ll finally get to step back from manually managing admin tasks and get back to doing what you love.

Navigate Personal Training During a Pandemic with our Guide from EZFacility

Navigate Personal Training During a Pandemic with our Guide

« Blog | Written by Amber Wojcek | | (0) Comments

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in different ways. Fitness professionals are one group that have been hit the hardest by gym closures and stay at home orders. The fitness industry has had to adapt to day-by-day changes to operating protocols. Some governors have ordered all gyms to close while others only limit hours. And regardless of what the local government allows, you need to keep your clients’ safety and comfort as your top priority.

With ever-changing health news, personal trainers need to make a plan to keep their business growing through the pandemic. Read our guide for personal training during a pandemic.

Provide Distance Training

The key to training from afar is by curating an exercise experience that gives real value to your clients. Anyone can find workout guides through websites, but people come to you for personalized help with their goals.

  • Cardio: Monitor cardio performance with a mix of services like Strava and FitBit. Offer new ideas to help mix up cardio by doing research on nearby biking and hiking trails.
  • Weight Training: Collaborate with your client to find out what is possible at their home. If they don’t have weights, are there items around the house they can use for at-home strength building? Deliver some resistance bands to help build strength without taking up a lot of space.
  • Flexibility: Create a YouTube playlist for each week with new routines or create your own videos to use across all of your clients.
  • Performance Monitoring: Use a personal training software to schedule one-on-one appointments with your clients to act as a resource for them. Ask not just about physical performance but also find out how they’re feeling. By offering additional support, you can help them stay motivated and focused on their goals.

Offer Training at a Gym

For those who are in areas with open gyms and fitness centers, making your clients feel safe and comfortable is key. Talk to your gyms owners to ask about their safety protocols for the gym and locker rooms before you bring your clients. Ideally, they will limit the number of people allowed at any one time and increase their cleaning routines.

While working with your clients, do your part to make sure that you and they are wearing a mask and social distancing at all times. Thoroughly clean machines and weights at every step.

With the increase in remote work, your clients may have more flexibility around their schedule. Find out if they can change their training sessions to coincide with the gym open hours that are the slowest.

Even if your fitness club or local gyms reopened, you should keep an eye on public health updates to monitor COVID cases in your area. You may want to switch to outdoor exercises, distance training, or at-home bodyweight exercises if you or your clients feel unsafe.

Host Group Fitness

Outdoor group fitness classes are a great way to build community in a safer space. Find a park with plenty of open space and ask your clients to bring an exercise mat. Space everyone out at least 6 feet apart before allowing attendees to take off their masks.

Lead the group in cardio, flexibility, and body weight exercises. You’ll see an increase in motivation and camaraderie when your clients have others to keep up with and compare themselves against.

You can even consider creating a private Facebook group for your clients to connect with one another. They’ll encourage one another to attend and help you get everyone excited for the next training session.

Stay Connected

2020 offered new challenges to fitness professionals across the industry. Even if you have a gym open near you, your clientele may not be ready to go. But it’s still possible to connect with your clients and efficiently manage your business even while we have to keep our distance.

Keep your business running smoothly with a personal training app that allows you to manage contacts, text your customers, and assess clients. Request a demo to see what EZFacility can do for your business.

5 Ways to Market Your Tennis Club in 2021 with EZFacility

5 Ways to Market Your Tennis Club in 2021

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

While the coronavirus pandemic has been devastating to the fitness industry in many ways, one positive outcome is that now, arguably more than ever, people are focused on their health. More and more people are looking for ways to exercise in open-air or outdoor environments, which has made the tennis industry especially attractive. We also know that many people use the New Year as a motivator to kickstart their health and fitness journey, and memberships tend to boom during the early months of the year.

For these reasons (and more!), now is the perfect time for tennis organizations to revisit their marketing strategies and assess what has worked well, what hasn’t, and what can be done to address these three key areas: member growth/attraction, member retention, and profitability.

In this blog we’ll cover five marketing tips to help you grow your tennis club in 2021.

1. Lay the foundation

In order to successfully grow your tennis club, you need to develop a marketing plan with several different marketing strategies included. The first step is to lay the foundation by defining your audience, target market(s) and competitors. Understanding this information is crucial as it will guide your marketing strategies and help you decide what type of language to use, which tools to use in your marketing mix, and the best ways to communicate your message to both current members and potential members.

2. Establish your brand identity

A brand identity is the embodiment of everything your business is and does, and having a strong brand identity is a must if you want your club to stand out from other tennis businesses. Building a brand, much like building your business, is a process. It won’t happen overnight, but with ongoing effort and the right marketing strategies in place, you’ll be able to establish your identity and build long-term relationships with tennis members.

3. Build a dynamic website

Never underestimate the power of a website—it’s the home base that connects everything. Your website is where you can display your mission, showcase pictures of your tennis courts, provide information about your club and its services, link your social media accounts, and demonstrate expertise in your industry.

We live in a digital world, and you should assume the vast majority of potential members will visit your website before they decide whether or not to visit your club. It’s worthwhile to invest the time it takes to ensure your site is well-designed, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly.

4. Create content that’s compelling

When marketing a tennis club, you need to content that’s engaging and tailored to your audience and what they care about—things like educational articles, blogs, newsletters, infographics, webinars or videos. By becoming a credible resource on topics that matter to potential members, you’re more likely to be discovered by the right audience and to grow an engaged subscriber base.

Utilizing social media channels is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to reach your audience, drive traffic to your website, and to establish your brand identity. Social media also allows businesses to control the narrative by deciding what content to share and when. While there’s no magic formula to dictate how often your business should post on social media, consistency is key, so you want to make sure to keep the dialogue going and avoid any prolonged periods of silence.

5. Offer an incentive for referrals

Your tennis members can be your best brand advocates. In fact, 83% of Americans say word of mouth recommendations from friends or family members make them more likely to purchase that product or service, and 41% trust a recommendation from someone they know more than a social media recommendation.

Providing an incentive for referring friends will not only benefit your business by attracting new potential members and revenue streams, it will create a more fun and meaningful experience for your current tennis members, too. It’s a win-win. You can structure a refer-a-friend campaign a number of different ways, like offering a discount on membership, a cash bonus for a certain number of referrals, or giving away free swag are just a few ideas.


With the New Year just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get your marketing strategies in place to help grow your tennis club in 2021. To learn how our comprehensive software solution can assist with your marketing efforts and ensure your tennis courts are used to their full potential, click here.

6 Tips to Running a Successful Yoga Studio from EZFacility

6 Tips to Running a Successful Yoga Studio

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous pressure on everyone’s physical health and well-being, with many people being isolated and confined to their homes for months. Yoga has long been known for its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety (among other proven health benefits), so it should come as no surprise that an increasing number of people have turned to yoga during a year plagued with challenges, doubt and uncertainty.

But despite more people wanting to practice yoga, many yoga studio owners have been struggling after months-long mandatory closures turned the fitness industry upside down. So, what can yoga studio owners do to stay afloat and attract new members during these times riddled with ongoing uncertainty? 

Now more than ever, running a successful yoga business hinges upon the ability to establish a strong brand identity in order to retain and engage current students, as well as attract new students to your yoga business. The shift to online workouts has created a lot of new competition in the fitness realm, but your brand identity is what will make people want to choose you and keep coming back.

In this blog we’ll cover six key areas yoga studio owners need to focus on in order to run a successful yoga business:

1. What is my mission?

The mission of your yoga business will drive everything you do—in fact, it’s why you do what you do. Spend ample time developing your mission statement as you want to make sure it reflects your goals as a yoga business owner and resonates with your target audience.

2. What is the personality of my yoga business?

The personality of your yoga business will shape how you communicate across all boards—from how you talk to your yoga instructors and students to the tone and language that’s used on your social media pages and in your marketing materials.

3. Who is my target audience?

Defining your target audience and understanding how to communicate with them effectively is critical to running a successful yoga studio. Your yoga business can’t cater to everyone, and that’s okay—no business can! In fact, you may even want to consider a niche market, like yoga for beginners, families, athletes, or seniors. Once you figure out who you want to attract, you’ll have a better understanding of how to reach them.  

For example, if you decide to focus on seniors as your niche market, you’ll want to make sure your yoga classes are offered at times that are appealing and convenient to them. Additionally, make sure the language you use to describe your yoga classes are attractive to that audience.

4. Who are my competitors?

It’s pretty safe to assume you won’t be the only place offering yoga classes in your area, so you’ll want to figure out who your main competitors are. Do some research to see what competitors are offering, and then try to figure out how to differentiate your yoga business.

Is there something your competitors aren’t offering that you can? Is there something you think you can do better? Once you figure out what it is, that will become your value proposition.

5. How can I stand out?

It’s difficult for any yoga business to stand out in a saturated market, which is why it’s so important to figure out who your target audience is, as well as your value proposition and competitive advantage.

What can you do that your competitors aren’t? Here are a few ideas you may want to consider to help your yoga business stand out:

  • Offer a free trial: One of the best ways to get new members in your door is to offer a free, no commitment trial. If your competitors offer one free class, consider offering a free week of unlimited classes (or some other variation that’s feasible for your yoga business).
  • Provide referral incentives: Your current clientele can be your best brand advocates. If they enjoy your yoga classes, chances are they’ll tell their friends…but why not give them an extra nudge by offering an incentive to do so? Many of your competitors may also have a referral structure in place, so think about what you can offer that’s different and may be considered more valuable.
  • Host competitions and challenges: Motivation and positive reinforcement can go a long way when it comes to fitness. Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? The way you structure these should be driven by your audience. Switch things up every so often by offering special events helps create a valuable experience.
  • Keep offering virtual classes: Sometimes people just want to work out from the comfort of their own homes, especially given lingering concerns around the coronavirus. This year challenged many yoga studio owners to adapt to the times by offering virtual classes when studios were closed, and now many people have grown accustomed to the convenience. Even if you’re located somewhere where all the restrictions have been lifted and business is back to usual, consider offering virtual classes year-round.  

6. How can I maximize operational efficiency?

Most yoga studio owners wear multiple hats, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Let us help you achieve peace of mind with our powerful yoga studio management system. Create custom yoga studio membership plans and packages, manage contracts and renewals, automate reminders and collect payments all from one platform.

We also recently rolled out our Zoom Integration and Video Library to help you stay competitive during the changing times.

To learn more, click here to schedule a free, no commitment demo. 

Do's and Dont's When Expecting "New Year's Resolution" Gym Members

Do’s and Don’ts When Expecting “New Year’s Resolution” Gym Members

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments

Many people will be heading into the new year with the same new years resolutions as last year: Be happier, make more money, live a healthier lifestyle and join the gym. Coronavirus or not, those things haven’t changed. And a new years resolution gym membership is great news for you as a gym owner!

Even though your gym classes might be meeting up differently these days, with the right strategies, you can be sure to keep any new members motivated and showing up day after day. Here are some do’s and don’ts for your new year gym memberships.

1. DO have your Management Software ready

With a good management software on your side, you’ve already won half the battle. While your software streamlines the administrative side of things, you can focus more attention toward retention efforts such as building and establishing new member relationships.

The best time to set up your software is well before the rush of the new year, so you know how to operate it. But, we are happy to guide you through the process at any time, and answer your questions.

2. DON’T forget to track attendance

One of the things you can use management software for is to track new gym members attendance. Tracking any member’s attendance is always important to your clients success and your fitness business. However, tracking new member’s attendance is especially important because it helps you to understand how to better motivate them. Maybe you need to move around class days and times, or switch up your offerings. Member attendance can help clue you into all of those things. 

3. DO send out nurture emails 

When you are alerted to a string of member absences, go ahead and send those gym members a personalized email to let them know they are missed and you care. If they feel like nobody notices, it’s easier to let themselves off the hook. But having somebody in their corner can encourage them to keep pushing toward their goals. And in this case, not just anybody- the gym owner! It could be greatly impactful.

 4. DON’T be afraid of the digital landscape

Now that all fitness classes have completely moved online, there is a good chance it could stay that way for awhile. So, don’t shy away from it. The gyms who learn to fully adapt and embrace the change will be the ones who thrive most in the long haul. Plus, it’s not so bad. Having digital fitness classes allows for more flexibility and connectivity.

5. DO find a niche

Do some soul searching and figure out what you’re truly passionate about when it comes to the fitness industry. Now that everyone is online, you need to find the thing that sets you apart. You need a niche.

There’s a lot of competition online right now. Some websites are even offering free content which make things even harder. So, it’s imperative to stand out. Having a niche can help you do exactly that. Figure out what makes you and your business unique and choose to be an expert in your field vs. somebody who dabbles in a little bit of everything. It can make a huge difference.

Thinking of Opening a New Gym? Read This First

Thinking of Opening a New Gym? Read This First

« Blog Opening a Gym | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

If you’re getting ready to open a new facility, you’re probably already thinking about what you can do to encourage potential members to visit your gym, as well as how you can convert those leads into new gym members in order to create a sustainable revenue stream.

The fitness industry is highly competitive, and it’s easy to get lost in the noise. So, what can you do to stand out? Answer: multichannel marketing campaigns.

Below we’ve outlined several gym marketing ideas that can be implemented across paid, earned and owned channels to create an effective multichannel marketing mix.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a form of digital marketing that aims to provide value to the customer in a non-promotional way. In the highly competitive fitness industry, content marketing is essential to boosting brand awareness, establishing authority, and nurturing relationships between business owners and potential members/current gym members by building trust and providing inspiration.

Because the goal of content marketing is to provide value outside of your product or service, the fitness industry and content marketing are a perfect match. Fitness is about providing valuable information to help people better themselves, and the best way to communicate that information is through a content marketing strategy.

Here are two ideas to get you started:

  • Utilize social media: Social media can help your fitness club build brand awareness, expand your digital reach and build customer loyalty. When you use social media for its intended purpose—to socialize—it helps motivate your gym members to keep coming back and inspires potential members to consider joining.
  • Create a weekly blog: Blogging is still one of the best ways to connect with your target audience, and writing about a niche area of fitness can help build your authority as a fitness industry expert. Blogging also helps build your website’s authority and rank higher on search engines.

2. Direct Mail

We live in the Digital Age, and many business owners may think direct mail is dead. But don’t discount the value of integrated marketing campaigns that include direct mail just yet.

In fact, CMO Council’s Critical Channels of Choice finds that consumers have positive feelings toward direct mail, and one out of three respondents say they expect direct mail to be a part of their ideal communications mix.

Direct mail is tangible, and because of that it can actually feel more interactive than digital marketing or email marketing strategies. When utilized effectively, it can also elicit an emotional response from the viewer, making it more memorable than just another email in your inbox.

If you’re still not convinced, consider these stats from PFL’s 2019 Multichannel Marketing Research Report: Direct Mail in the Digital Age:

  • 83% of marketers report good or very good ROI when direct mail is fully integrated into their multichannel campaign mix
  • 89% of marketers report direct mail delivers moderate to major improvement in overall campaign performance when it’s highly personalized and tightly integrated into the channel mix
  • Direct mail has a median ROI of 29%, putting it third behind email marketing (124%) and social media (30%)

3. Remarketing & Retargeting

Remarketing and retargeting amplify your marketing campaigns by reaching customers that are more likely to convert into sales (in this case, new gym members) or to complete a desired action (for example, subscribe to your newsletter). Both have the same goal—to get previous visitors on the path to conversion—but the way they accomplish this task is slightly different.

  • Remarketing allows business owners to reconnect with people who previously interacted with their website through email marketing.
  • Retargeting reaches that same target audience via paid advertising.

Using remarketing, you can reach out to people who didn’t complete the desired action with email reminders. Using retargeting, you can place strategically positioned ads while potential members browse the internet, with the hope they’ll click and come back to you. Both tactics are a great way to reach your target audience—people who have shown interest, but not yet converted.

4. Focus on SEO

Google is the most widely used search engine, and holds just over 92% of the global market share. That said, you want to make sure your business shows up in searches. In order for this to happen, your website’s data must be accurate and filled with keywords your potential members would use to find a business like yours.

Potential members will likely search keywords and phrases like “gyms near me” or “fitness centers in [insert city]”, so you’ll want to develop a list of similar keywords and incorporate those words throughout your site, but only where they’re relevant and make sense. It’s also important to use keyword identifiers in the page titles of your site so Google understands who you are and the nature of your business.

Another way to boost your SEO efforts is to make sure you have a completed business profile on Google My Business (GMB). GMB is a free tool that business owners can use to manage their company listing and online presence across the Google suite of websites. A completed page is essential for local SEO because it enables your business listing to appear in local searches, allows people to find your contact and location information easily, provides potential visitors with a picture of your facility, and lets users review your business.


Marketing is an essential function needed to promote your gym and to differentiate yourself from competitors in order to attract potential members—and, when utilized effectively, marketing campaigns can also be a great way to keep current gym members engaged and to reduce churn.

There’s no shortage of options when it comes to gym marketing ideas, but it’s important to remember that implementing a multichannel approach will increase the likelihood of reaching your target audience and the overall success of your marketing campaigns.

For more actionable insights and business tips, click here to subscribe to our blog.

5 Ways to Grow Your Gym Business in 2021

5 Ways to Grow Your Gym Business in 2021

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments

It’s no secret 2020 has been one big, giant rollercoaster ride for gym owners. The pressing question on everybody’s mind is what will 2021 hold for the fitness industry? While no one knows the answer for certain, don’t be discouraged. There are still ways to keep pushing forward. Here are some tips and tools for creating revenue streams that will steady your member retention rates, increase revenue and help your fitness business grow.

Refresh online classes

At the start of the Coronavirus, the fitness industry made its collective jump into the world of online classes. By now, you’re likely a pro with a pretty solid handle on everything. But like with any trend, they’re always changing. So, pay close attention to your competitors latest class offerings, or do a little extra research on the web, and then give your own classes an occasional refresh when you feel it’s appropriate. Of course, if something is working out extremely well for you, don’t feel pressured to mix it up. Like the old adage goes, “If it ain’t broke- don’t fix it.”

Create a referral program anyway

Creating a member referral program might feel low on the do list these days but we are here to say: create it anyway. That’s because, it’s never a bad time to ask your gym members to help you spread the love to their friends and family. If anything, now is the perfect time for it. The rewards don’t have to be big, either. There are plenty of budget-friendly incentives including, free one-on-one workout sessions, free class passes or even a choice of merchandise from your shop.

Sell merchandise

Speaking of merchandise. Don’t pack up the yoga pants and reusable water bottles just yet. Whether your classes are meeting in person or online, your gym members will still need items for their workout sessions. And one item you don’t want to miss out on selling right now is face masks.

It’s true, they’re everywhere and everyone is likely counting down the minutes until we can be rid of them forever. But in the meantime, they’re here to stay. So, why not create some eye-catching and comfortable masks with your gym logo on them?

Team up with other companies 

We’re all in this together, right? Team up with your business neighbors. It’s no secret that other companies are trying to find ways to keep their goods and services out there also. So, team up with the ones you respect and admire and offer to help each other out. Let them keep some of their products in your shop in exchange for them doing the same with yours. Or, even better, if they in the health and wellness field also, team up for a joint class or workshop.

Look for trends with Management Software

If you want to see how your new tricks are performing, pay attention to your management software. It can help you track member attendance and engagement which can clue you into what’s really working for member retention.

Gym owners, we hope you enjoyed reading these tips on different revenue streams and how to make your fitness business grow. If you try them, come back and let us know how they worked out for you.

Using a Gym Questionnaire for Market Research and Data-Driven Decisions

Using a Gym Questionnaire for Market Research and Data-Driven Decisions

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Some business owners make the mistake of dismissing the value of market research—but the truth is, no matter what industry you’re in, there’s a real need for collecting information for market research purposes. This is especially true within the fitness industry, where gyms and health clubs rely upon a steady stream of memberships to stay in business—and, therefore, ensuring customer satisfaction is a must.

Whether you’re opening a new fitness center location, launching a new fitness class or personal trainer service, or just looking for ways to improve overall user experience, surveys and questionnaires are valuable tools that provide critical insight used to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Here are a few ways market research surveys can benefit your business:

  • Member Knowledge: Learning about your gym members will help you understand more about them, as well as what you can do to improve user experience and customer satisfaction.
  • Competitive Advantage: Survey questions can help you uncover if your new gym members previously belonged to another fitness center, as well as their reasons for leaving. Collecting information of this nature will help you identify what your facility can focus on to gain competitive advantage.
  • Business Growth: Member surveys will help you identify what it is your members really want, and therefore also help you to recognize new opportunities to expand your offerings or services to meet their demands.

Now that we’ve discussed a few ways market research provides valuable information, let’s talk about some common types of surveys and questionnaires you can implement to get the information you need to make more informed business decisions.

1. New Member Survey

A new member survey is filled out when someone first joins your gym. Use this opportunity to ask new gym members why they joined in the first place—was it based on a referral, proximity, cost, or something else?

This type of survey provides you with rich demographic data and helps you understand the types of people that use your facility. Not only will this help you understand how to tailor your offerings to improve customer experience, collecting information like this also helps build targeted email lists for marketing campaigns.

2. General Feedback/Customer Satisfaction Survey

A general feedback/customer satisfaction survey is a way for you to check in with your members from time to time to show you still value their input. While many businesses invest a lot of time and resources in attracting new business, don’t forget about your loyal customer base. Ask gym members for feedback on what you’re doing well, in addition to areas for improvement.

3. Fitness Class/Personal Trainer Evaluation

Personal trainer services and group fitness classes are a big draw for many gyms, health clubs and fitness centers. Because instructors and trainers can have such a huge impact on members, it’s important to survey participants for feedback about how your staff is performing.

4. Membership Cancellation Survey

Unfortunately, all fitness facilities will encounter membership cancellations at some point. It’s just the nature of the business. But rather than focusing on the negative, think of this as an opportunity to find out why and utilize the information to your future advantage. Figuring out why members are leaving gives you the chance to implement changes to reduce future churn.

Before you start writing out your survey questions it’s important to decide on the goal in mind and what type of data you want to collect as this will determine how you phrase your questions. Keep in mind that closed questions will provide a lot of quantitative data, while open questions will elicit qualitative responses.

The good news is, it’s easy to conduct market research online by sending surveys and questionnaires to members via email—and utilizing an all-in-one software solution makes it even easier. To learn how we can help you manage all aspects of your fitness business from one intuitive gym management system, click here.

Get to Know EZFacility Partners

Let’s Get to Know EZFacility’s Partners

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments

A part of what makes EZFacility so great is all the like-minded companies we get to partner up with. When our clients sign up for our EZFacility management software, they also gain access to a ton of other companies. Our partners help our clients with better attracting, managing, and engaging their customers. They also help them with enhancing their overall brand.

If you aren’t familiar with our EZFacility partners, they include 97Display, Authentic8, Brivo Systems, Constellation Payments, Passport Technologies, Perkville, Plastic Printers, QuickBooks, Smartwaiver, Textmunication, Rapid Gun Systems, CoachMePlus, SportsLife X, and Trainingym.

Here is a bit about each of them.

97Display offers website solutions and digital marketing services for health and fitness businesses.

Authentic8 helps protect businesses from all web-borne threats. They also supply specialized RFID cards, keyfobs, stickers, wristbands, and barcodes.

Brivo Systems provides a 24/7 cloud-based access control system. Plus, video surveillance products for physical security.

Simplify and streamline your payment processing with none other than Constellation Payments.

Passport Technologies helps deliver customized and integrated client-access solutions.

Are you thinking of finally creating that loyalty program? Sign up with Perkville. They have a plan to grow your business through loyalty points awarded for check-ins, referrals, birthdays, and more.

Plastic Printers is your go-to for member key cards, POS hardware, ID card printers, and any other printing needs.

QuickBooks provides a streamlined accounting system with financial management and sale tracking.

Now clients can sign waivers digitally (and securely), on their own electronic devices thanks to Smartwaiver.

With Textmunication, build brand recognition and improve engagement, retention, and member loyalty with targeted SMS messages and campaigns.

Rapid Gun Systems is a certified NCR Counterpoint POS reseller and systems integrator.

CoachMePlus is a coaching management software for coaches, trainers, and athletes.

Trainingym makes sure gyms get their hands on some specialized tools. They have 3-d workout videos, body composition analysis, and satisfaction surveys.

Identity One’s IDlink will revolutionize the way check-ins are done at your place of business by making it completely cardless.

To learn more in depth about our list of EZFacility partners, click here. The list is always expanding. That’s because it’s super easy to integrate with existing and future partners. Also- we just love doing it! So, if you are interested in being our partner and believe we could be a good match for you, please contact us to learn more.

Testimonials and EZFacility Customer Success Stories

Testimonials and Success Stories from EZFacility Customers

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments

Combing through a variety of management software programs in search of one that’s both good and trustworthy can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming.

We could give you a list of reasons why to choose us or tell you the many benefits of using EZFacility, but we believe our satisfied clients say it best. So, we’ve created a reviews page filled with multiple customer success stories straight from the source.

Our customers are from different industriesincluding community centers, gyms & health clubs, shooting ranges, sports facilities and universities plus more but their level of contentment is always the same.

Take a peek at what some of them have to say about us:

“Before we had EZFacility, an enormous amount of time, effort and energy was expended in scheduling and not always with success. Every change in date or time, every rainout became a major headache, not to mention the confusion that erupted when four teams showed up to use the same field or when bases were incorrect. When we finally began to use EZFacility, life changed. The training was excellent and using the system is a breeze! Scheduling an entire league is quickly done and it is not possible to double book any field.” -Darcy Belyea, City of Glen Cove Parks and Recreation

“I can’t stress enough that it’s a great experience. Always! If and I do mean IF we have a problem (usually it is us not knowing how to do something properly) we call and immediately get an answer! Not only an answer but a fast and friendly answer! We have never had a bad experience calling in or a customer service person that was not willing to help or wasn’t friendly! As far as the product goes it does everything we need it to and does it very efficiently and very well.”  – Eric Peterson, Powershop Gym, Inc.

“We have been running our shooting ranges for 10 years with this product. Customer service is excellent. There are no hidden fees with the POS system. Reporting is great, a wonderful off the shelf product that can be used by different businesses. The online eCommerce is simple and great to use.” – Michael Galella, Michigan State University – Demmer Shooting Sports Center

To keep reading more about the benefits of EZFacility and our customer success stories, click here. Or if you’re more of a visual person and would like to watch video reviews instead, you can find a list here.

Why an Independent Contractor Agreement Matters for Yoga Instructors from EZFacility

Independent Contractor Agreements for Yoga Instructors Should Include the Following Criteria

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Being a yoga teacher can be a very beneficial career path, and it offers a lot of flexibility—literally and figuratively. Many yoga studios hire instructors as “independent contractors” so if you’re a yoga teacher, it’s important to understand what that means for you and how that classification differs from being hired as an employee. If you’re a yoga studio owner, you should ensure you’re fully versed on the difference in employment classifications, and that you have an independent contractor agreement in place as part of your yoga studio best practices.

Why Does an Independent Contractor Agreement Matter?

Whether you run a yoga studio, or you’re a yoga teacher, the importance of an independent contractor agreement cannot be understated as it benefits both parties by preventing miscommunication, misunderstanding and the potential for liabilities or damages.

While yoga is a profession largely based on trust, an independent contractor agreement helps keep integrity and clear communication at the forefront of business relationships to make sure all parties are on the same page. For legal purposes, it also provides written documentation of your agreement, clarifies the responsibilities of all parties involved, and provides protection for both yourself and your business.

What Should an Independent Contractor Agreement Include?

While every business is different, below are some key sections that most independent contractor agreements should include (the below are mere suggestions—please be sure to contact your own legal representation on your specific case):

  1. Nature of the Relationship: This section should explicitly state the terms of your employment and expressly declare you are hired as an independent contractor and not an employee. This is especially important as it relates to how taxes will be paid and filed.
  1. Yoga Instructor Responsibilities: This section should information about what professional standards are expected, the types of yoga that will be taught, scheduling information, administrative responsibilities, as well as including the location(s) where you will be teaching.
  2. Payment Methods & Schedule: This section should outline how and when you will be compensated for your services. It should also clarify if you will be paid a base rate or paid per student, whether there is a minimum or maximum payment per class, when the pay periods will be, and address any other questions related to payment for services.
  3. Yoga Instructor Obligations: When you’re hired as an independent contractor, you’re required to invest in yourself and responsible for covering certain costs (which can later be listed as deductions when filing taxes). This section should outline what you are expected to cover, for example: transportation costs, professional fees, liability insurance, and personal supplies.
  1. Studio Obligations: This section should outline what the yoga studio is responsible for providing, or assuming the cost of. This may include things like cleanliness standards, space and props available to all instructors, and proof of building insurance.
  2. Default & Termination Details: While the severance of a business relationship is never fun to think about (or to deal with, for that matter), this is one of the most important sections of the independent contractor agreement. This section should clarify how, under what terms, and with how much notice is required of either party to terminate the working agreement.
  3. Non-compete Clause: If you’re a yoga teacher who teaches at multiple studios, this is a section you’ll want to pay close attention to. Make sure you fully understand what the agreement includes before you sign anything, as a non-compete clause could have dire consequences if you plan to teach at multiple locations. 

Summing It Up

An independent contractor agreement is a vital tool needed to protect both the yoga studio owner and the yoga teacher. Once both parties are on the same page and the independent contractor agreement is signed, business can be conducted with confidence and clarity.  

Customer Relationship Building with EZFacility

The Perfect Gym Welcome Email Template

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (2) Comments

It may seem like a given, but it’s important to do something to welcome new gym members as soon as they commit to joining your gym. Sending a welcome email is one of the easiest ways to provide new members with all the essential information they need, and it gives you the opportunity to reassure them that joining your facility was the right choice.

If you’re currently using a gym management software like ours, you can easily create a new member email template and manage membership communication seamlessly. But if you’re still managing membership information and sending emails manually that’s okay, too, and we’re here to help.

So, what should you say in your email to welcome new gym members? Below is a sample gym welcome template you can use—feel free to copy and paste it as-is, or tweak it to add your own flair.

Gym Welcome Template


Welcome to the [FACILITY NAME] family!

By joining us, you’ve already taken the first step on your fitness journey and we couldn’t be happier to walk with you on the path to achieve your health and fitness goals!

Get started by collecting your [MEMBER ID CARD/KEY FOB] from the front desk, at which time you can also schedule an introductory session where we’ll review your goals and outline a plan together that best suits your needs. And, if you’d like, we’d be more than happy to do a guided walk through of our facility and show you how to use all of the equipment.

To check our hours of operation, view class schedules or to learn more about our facility’s offerings, click here [WEBSITE URL]. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at [PHONE NUMBER] or simply reply to this email and we’ll get back to you right away.

Congratulations on taking the first step of your fitness journey—you should be very proud of yourself, and we’re excited to be a part of it!

We can’t wait to see what you achieve!


Or, if you’d prefer to write your own gym welcome template, we recommend including these key points:

  • Thank them for joining and choosing your facility
  • Offer reassurance they made the right choice
  • Provide information about next steps and how to get started
  • Include a link to your website where they can find practical information
  • Include contact information if they have any questions

How to Improve Customer Relationship Building

Ideally you should send more than one welcome email to establish a solid relationship and maintain ongoing communication, so you may want to consider creating a series of introductory emails. Plus, some members may need that little extra nudge in their inbox every so often to keep them motivated.

Below is an outline of emails we recommend including in your welcome series:

  • Welcome new gym members / introductory email: Outlined above.
  • Reminder email: Send a reminder email within one week of the introductory email to encourage members to visit your facility as soon as possible.
  • Value add email: Send a value add email within one week of the reminder email. This should include a mix of fun, educational and promotional material like healthy recipes, How To’s, or tips and tricks. You should also use this opportunity to encourage members to subscribe to your blog, newsletter, and social channels.
  • Upsell email: Send an upsell email within one week of the value add email. This should include a special deal or discount on paid services like personal training or specialty classes.
  • Milestone email: Send a milestone email one month after the member joins to congratulate them on making it to that point, and to encourage them to keep up the good work.

Remember—a little can go a long way when it comes to positive reinforcement and member relations. This type of ongoing communication will not only assist with trust building and customer relationship building, it will also help reduce the likelihood of buyer’s remorse that oftentimes leads to membership cancellations.

To learn more about how our all-in-one, cloud-based SaaS solution can improve your customer relationship building and make membership management easy, click here.

5 Reasons Why People Love Soccer from EZFacility

5 Reasons Why People Love Soccer

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (2) Comments

When COVID-19 came about earlier this year, it changed the way sports facilities do things. Many spaces limited the amount of traffic. And other facilities moved from indoor to outdoor, including soccer facilities.

The thing about soccer though is it’s a flexible sport, regardless of Coronavirus. That’s one of the reasons why people around the world love it as much as they do. Some even say it’s the best sport ever created. (Is it? Tell us in the comments.) While we don’t like to play sports favorites, we can give you a list of more reasons why soccer is popular at any time of year. But, especially now!

1. It’s good for you

Okay, so the first one is a bit obvious. But, it’s still worth mentioning. Soccer is fantastic for cardiovascular health, with all the continuous running. Plus, it builds strength and endurance, improves flexibility, and lowers body fat, to name a few.

Normally: Any kind of exercise is good for the body and mind.

In a COVID-19 world: Everyone appreciates how exercise is extra good for the body and mind right now. They are searching for a good way to keep active and soccer could be a solution.

2. It can be played anywhere

Because soccer doesn’t need much equipment, it can be played in pretty much any open space. For example, at a soccer facility or on a soccer field, yes. But it can also be played on any field, in someone’s backyard, at the beach, or even on the street.

Normally: When soccer players aren’t in an organized game at their soccer facility, they often start-up friendly matches at parks.

In a COVID-19 world: Being able to play the game anywhere is an even bigger blessing. Soon, Indoor soccer facilities in the U.S will reopen in phases. But in the meantime, it’s nice to just get out of the house and get a game going wherever. Check with your local parks to be sure they are open. While many playgrounds remain closed, plenty of open fields have the green light.

3. It can be modified to be socially distant

True, the occasional collisions happen in Soccer. But for the most part, it isn’t a full-contact sport like American Football.

Normally: Both are entertaining to participate in, and watch.

In a covid-19 world: Right now the less physical contact, the better. And actually, even before covid-19, some indoor soccer facilities put on matches with reduced team sizes. So, the game isn’t affected in that sense.

4. It’s easy to learn

Normally: Soccer is generally easier to learn (and follow) than some of the other sports.

In a COVID-world: Beginners can test it out to stay active. Then, once they’re hooked and soccer facilities reopen, they can research how to play on an organized team with a local facility.

5. It can be played by anyone

It’s no secret taller athletes tend to perform better in Basketball and Volleyball. Or that smaller athletes do better in Tennis and Gymnastics. But the cool thing about soccer is- it’s a free-for-all. It doesn’t discriminate when it comes to shape or size. And everybody is welcome to be soccer players on the soccer field.

Normally: People of varying ages and sizes do equally well in soccer. And sometimes, the underdog surprises you. But that’s part of what makes it exciting!

In a COVID-19 world: Equal opportunity is especially encouraging in any setting. But it’s especially encouraging to have an equal sport opportunity in the current Coronavirus situation.

Soccer is great- especially now. It can be played anywhere, by anyone, at any time. Do you agree? Let us know your thoughts.

Best Practices for Teaching Beginner Yoga Classes from EZFacility

4 Key Things to Keep in Mind When Teaching Yoga to Beginners

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Teaching yoga for beginners may sound easy, but sometimes it’s actually one of the most challenging classes to teach. If you’re considering adding an entry-level yoga class to your yoga studio, you may be wondering how to go about it and what to focus on. We’re here to help.

Below are four key things to keep in mind when teaching yoga for beginners:

1. Easy Explanations

Every yoga instructor has their own style and vocabulary, but it’s important to remember that those who are new to yoga may not understand the terminology or know how to do common yoga poses, breathing techniques or transitions.  

“The basics” can be complicated for someone who’s never done yoga before, so when you teach yoga for beginners make sure you take the time to explain what you’re talking about in easy to understand language.

Gradually introduce new terms and remember that repetition is key. Most non-yogis probably won’t remember everything you say the first time, so offer gentle reminders and demonstrations.

2. Simple Poses & Transitions

Like we touched on above, it’s good to keep things simple when you’re teaching yoga for beginners. Complex yoga poses and transitions for the sake of aesthetics won’t do any good if your students can’t follow along and may lead them to become frustrated.

Remember to break down yoga poses and transitions step-by-step without using complicated language so your beginners can understand and follow along.

3. Acceptance

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, some people just won’t understand what you’re trying to explain—and that’s okay. Accept them for who they are, and as long as they’re not doing something in a way that will cause harm to themselves, let them be.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to yoga, especially when you’re teaching yoga for beginners, so make sure your yoga class offers variety and can accommodate people of varying levels of fitness so no one feels left out.

4. Encouragement

When someone is new to something, chances are they’ll be a little insecure and feeling the pressure to “get it right.”

No one wants to feel like their yoga instructor is frustrated with them because they’re holding up the class or can’t do the moves, so remember to offer your newbies some extra encouragement and assistance.

A little bit of positive reinforcement can go a long way!

You may be surprised by how much teaching yoga for beginners will teach you about yourself and your yoga philosophy. Every class brings new opportunities to share the benefits of yoga with people who are less experienced than you, so remember to be patient and to take your time in order to create a positive experience for your new students.

To learn how EZFacility can help yoga studio owners achieve peace of mind with our powerful management software solution, click here.

Are Baseball Facilities Open?

Are Baseball Facilities Open, and to What Capacity?

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments

Although COVID-19 threw everyone a curve ball and caused disruption across all industries, many fitness facilities are now permitted to reopen and are getting back in the game. And with the MLB season in full swing, baseball is on a lot of minds right now.

We recently caught up with our friends at Smith Brothers Baseball Central to see how they’ve been faring, what new policies and guidelines have been implemented, and which of our features have been most helpful in navigating the evolving business landscape.

Here’s what Casey Zordan, Facility Marketing and Administration Manager at Smith Brothers, had to say:

1. Are you currently open? If so, at what capacity?

We are currently operating. We re-opened on May 25th with limitations to private lessons only.

We have also just slowly added clinics back into our offerings at less than half capacity. We hope to be back to full capacity soonhere’s to hoping!

In short, I believe we are working currently at around half capacity. However, we have been very busy with private lessons over the last few months.

2. What type of social distancing policies and cleanliness guidelines are currently in place? 

We are following all of the rules put into place from our municipality, province, and federal guidelines, as well as our local health unit recommendations.

This includes:

  • Having markers on the floor to visually represent how far apart our patrons should be.
  • Having a limited number of chairs for viewing (4 max in our lobby area).
  • We clean our lobby regularly, and have staggered private lesson times to have a 15-minute gap between lessons just to be able to clean the lobby for our next clients.
  • We have staff wearing masks while coaching and maintaining physical distancing between them and their athletes. They also wash their hands between lessons.
  • All of our baseballs are washed between lessons, and we ask that all our patrons wash their hands with soap and water upon entering the building.

3. What are the primary ways you’ve been communicating this information to patrons?

Our main way is through email. We also tell everyone our precautions when they are booking lessons over the phone. We also have signs on our doors and tables to remind people of our policies.

4. Are there any EZFacility features you’ve found particularly helpful at this time? If so, what are they?

The reminder emails, and online booking have been a fantastic way to keep everyone up to date.

It has also been helpful managing who is in attendance for private lessons and clinics, and to communicate to those participants.

5. Is there anything else you’d like to add about how your business operations have changed since COVID-19? 

Our business has seen the upside to have a 10-15-minute break in between lessons and clinics. We would typically go back-to-back and risk the chance of the last lessons of the day running late. However, with a break in between it keeps the schedule running smoothly and on timeinstructors have time to debrief at the end of the lessons as well as to get ready and prepare for their next sessions.

On the administration side it has been easier to maintain who is in the building and knowing what is going on around the facility with fewer people being inside the building at a given time.

Bringing it Home

COVID-19 came out of left field and created a number of unforeseen challenges for businesses, but we’re here to help. Our all-in-one software solution offers a number of benefits, including the ability to streamline the scheduling and management of your baseball facility, coaches, batting cages, athletes and more.

To learn more about the benefits of using a management software, click here. Or, to schedule a personalized product demo for your baseball facility, click here.